

Page Contents:

Page Group

How can a user influence job priority?

 -- deadline jobs
 -- posix priority
 -- resource reservation
 -- advance reservation



Job Scheduling

Subordination and Low-Priority Queues


How Subordination Works

This email is instructive:

Subject:	Re: [GE users] subordinate queue and preemption	
From:	templedf ([email protected])
Date:	Mar 30, 2009 5:32:03 am
List:	net.sunsource.gridengine.users
That's the way SGE works.  SGE is not truly preemptive, meaning that the 
scheduler does not take preemption into account when making scheduling 
decisions.  Preemption in SGE is something that happens as a side-effect 
of a scheduling decision.  In your case, you should either remove the 
host-level slots complex or set it to 16, knowing that only 8 slots will 
ever actually be available, thanks to the subordination.


mzhou wrote:
I have a "test-pre" queue which has a subornidate queue of "test". They were set
to use only node015 which have 8 cores (slots). 

I submitted an 8-cpu job (job1) to queue test, then another 8-cpu job (job2) to
queue test-pre. Job2 won't suspend job1. The message is:

(-l slots=1) cannot run in queue "node015" because it offers only
                            cannot run in PE "openmpi" because it only offers 0

If I change job1 to use only 7 cpus, job2 will suspend job1 and start running. 

It seems that "preemption" itself need an open slot to start. 

Any idea how to fix it?


Mi Zhou
St. Jude children's Research Hospital


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