/usr/local/sbin/snort -d -D -c /usr/local/src/snort-2.2.0/etc/snort.conf
SnortSAM is a plugin for Snort which facilitates the automated blocking of IP addresses on the following firewalls: Checkpoint Firewall-1, Cisco PIX (and router ACLs), IPFilter, (OpenBSD) PF, IPChains, IPTables...
Binary executables are available from the Web site for Windows, Linux and FreeBSD. Alternatively, download the source code for Snort, SnortSAM and also the SnortSAM patches for Snort, and follow the instructions in the INSTALL file from SnortSAM.
Suggestions and hints:
/usr/local/sbin/snort -d -c /usr/local/src/snort-2.2.0/etc/snort.conf(no -D) with the following in snort.conf:
output alert_fwsam: output alert_syslog: log_auth log_warnWhen all is well:
/usr/local/sbin/snort -d -D -c /usr/local/src/snort-2.2.0/etc/snort.conf
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