14. Using the gFTP Client

The GNU graphical FTP client, gFTP, can be configured to work with Universe (Cosmos and Eric). A configuration which works is described below; others, including the use of SSH Communications client software, may work! (Newer versions of software described below are also expected to work.)

14.1. OpenSSH 3.4p1-2 and gFTP 2.0.14

First, ensure the "ssh-askpass" utility is installed and working on your machine. Without this authentication will fail. Next, test your authentication to Cosmos (or Eric) via the command line: if you see messages like this,

    local> ssh cosmos.umist.ac.uk -l <username>
    The authenticity of host "remotehost.domain" can't be established.
    DSA key fingerprint is...
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
    Warning:  Permanently added "remotehost.domain"...
    PAM authentication
    Last login...
answer yes and then login as usual; if your login proceeds like this
    local> ssh cosmos.umist.ac.uk -l <username>
    PAM authentication
    Last login....
your SSH configuration is all set. (In the former case, a second login via SSH should proceed as for the latter case.) gFTP cannot (yet) handle the former case, so this obstacle needs to be overcome manually.

Next, start gFTP and under the "FTP" menu (top-left) select "Options" and in the Options configuration window which opens select the "SSH" tab: ensure "Use ssh-askpass util" is ticked, click "Apply" and "Save". On the main gFTP window ensure the connection method set to "SSH" (it defaults to "FTP"). You should now be able to connect as usual, except that a dialogue box will pop up asking for your password --- enter it and click "OK".

14.2. gFTP FAQ: problems, problems...

I don't see any SSH tab on the Options window!
Your copy of gFTP is too old and does not support SSH. Get a newer version.

When I attempt to connect things just lock up.
The log window shows the message about UMIST Regulations, but no authentication takes place and things apparently just lock up. You probably don't have "Use ssh-askpass util" ticked --- see above.

I see messages about "message size too big"
I see something like Error: Message size 1644196712 too big from server and login fails. Ensure that you have successfully completed a command-line login via SSH without seeing messages like "authenticity of remote host can't be established" --- see above.

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