13. Accessing Universe (Cosmos and Eric) from the UMIST PC Clusters

The SSH/SFTP clients from SSH Communications are installed and configured to access Cosmos on all ISD PC Clusters.

13.1. Simple Telnet-Like Access

To obtain simple Telnet-like access to Cosmos click on the "Start" button and then choose:

    Programs -> Unix Connectivity -> Cosmos -> SSH Secure Shell
This will start the SSH Communications SSH client.

13.2. Using SSH with X-Windows (Hummingbird eXceed)

If you require graphical access via X-Windows to Cosmos click on the "Start" button and then choose

    Programs -> Unix Connectivity -> Cosmos -> Secure Shell Client - Xwindows
which starts the SSH Communications SSH client and also starts the eXceed X-server on your PC. You should now be able to lauch X-clients from Cosmos onto your local desktop --- these will be tunnelled through your SSH connection.

13.3. File Transfer

If you need to move files to or from Cosmos click on the "Start" button and then choose:

    Programs -> Unix Connectivity -> Cosmos -> Secure File Transfer Client
which starts the SSH Communications SFTP client --- this is a drag and drop, encrypted/secure FTP client.

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