God's Truth
Even more basic, I would suggest, than either of the questions
``Does God exist?'' or ``What do we mean by `exist'?'' is that of
``Do we really any longer care?'' I for one do not (Letters,
September 14).
A god who gives every indication of having been out to lunch for
nigh on the last two centuries, consistently failing to answer our
communications with regard to famine, war, poverty, injustice,
inequality or any other major human concern (let alone take action)
is frankly of no relevance or interest to me.
There is a view that this apathetic ineffectual male chauvinist
requires me to worship him. I can't say I'm totally surprised
but he hasn't got a hope. And if I get to meet him, I'll tell
him so myself.
Anna Freeman, 2 Silver Street, Cardiff. (The Guardian, September 14th, 19??)