Class Adds: Overview
prompt> condor_status -l MyType = "Machine" TargetType = "Job" Name = "slot4@comp024" . Machine = "comp024" . Arch = "X86_64" OpSys = "LINUX" UidDomain = "comp024" FileSystemDomain = "comp024" . CheckpointPlatform = "LINUX X86_64 2.6.x normal 0xffffffffff600000" . TotalCpus = 4 TotalMemory = 7870 . .
prompt> condor_q -l -- Submitter: : \ <> : . Owner = "simonh" Cmd = "/home/simonh/condor-7.4.2-examples/loop.remote" User = "[email protected]" . WantRemoteIO = TRUE UserLog = "/home/simonh/condor-7.4.2-examples/loop.log" Out = "loop.0.out" Err = "loop.0.err" . ShouldTransferFiles = "NO" .
. . .continued. . .
. . Requirements = ((Memory > 900)) && (Arch == "X86_64") \ && (OpSys == "LINUX") \ && ((CkptArch == Arch) \ && ((CkptOpSys == OpSys) \ && (Disk >= DiskUsage) . .
Use condor_q -better-analyze to see how they work. . .
This example shows how to "debug" a Condor job — and illustrates how class ads work:
condor_q -better-analyze <JOBID> . . The Requirements expression for your job is: ( target.Arch == "X86_64" ) && ( target.OpSys == "LINUX" ) && ( target.Disk >= DiskUsage ) && ( ( target.Memory * 1024 ) >= ImageSize ) && ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain ) Condition Machines Matched Suggestion --------- ---------------- ---------- 1 ( ( 1024 * target.Memory ) >= 2570000 )0 REMOVE 2 ( target.Arch == "X86_64" ) 154 3 ( target.OpSys == "LINUX" ) 154 4 ( target.Disk >= 10000 ) 154 5 ( TARGET.FileSystemDomain == "..." ) 154
Thanks to UWCL. . .