1. Former Eric Clients

Eric was purchased with 12 Sun workstations. One is used as a console for Eric, Cosmos and sometimes Kenny. The other 11 are distributed around the three research groups (in Chemistry, Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering) which funded the purchase of Eric.

The 11 workstations were NIS+ clients of Eric (and were used as X clients). Owing to Project Universe each client need totally reconfiguring.

Nine of the machines have been:

  1. Installed with Solaris 8 from scratch and patched.
  2. Secured further with IP Filter.
  3. Left in the charge of John Chinn (Mech Eng), Steven Liem (Chemistry) and Dave Reilly (Civil Eng).
The remaining two machines are in storage (in Civil Engineering).

Issue: It is not clear that the former Eric clients are being actively administered/secured/patched. Yet these machines have NFS access to Eric.


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