12. RMS: Setup and Python Client

Do all the Unix URS stuff, then add a SQL Data Source to UnixODBC:

    edit file template_2 :

        Driver  = TDS
        Description = Testing RMS
        Trace   = No
        Servername      = rms
        Port = 1433
        Database        = isdhd
        UID     = rms

    as user who will access rms:

        user> odbcinst -i -s -f unixodbc.tds.datasource.template_2

    which adds relevant stuff to /home/user/.odbc.ini


      user> isql -v rms <rmsusername> <rmspassword>
    to get sql prompt:

      SQL> select * from calldetails where assignedmemb = 'SH2'

    ...for a basic query.

      Interesting fields:  


    select * from calldetails where assignedmemb = 'SH2' and statuscode <= 93


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