3. Further and On-line Documentation

Hard copies of the Users' Guides for the Salford Fortran Compilers are available for consultation at the ISD Helpdesk (these copies may not be borrowed). These guides are available in full in PDF format from the Salford web site at /support/compilers. Support includes:

Frequently Asked Questions
If you have a problem with the Salford Compilers this is a good place to start looking for help --- your question may a common one.

Knowledge Base
The Technical Support Knowledge Base collects together articles written by Salford's staff. Examples include: Unexpected floating point results, Compiling Multiple Sub-programs using Batch files and Calling a Salford FTN95 DLL from Microsoft Visual Basic.

FTN95 Users' Guide
The Fortran 95 compiler user guide is available in full in both html and PDF. The PDF version is identical to the printed manual for the compiler (which is available for consultation at the Helpdesk --- but cannot be borrowed).

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