Using Other ISPs with Linux
- NTL Broadband
Like most ISPs, NTL offer support of no OS other than MS Windows,
however, setting up Linux to use NTL broadband is trivial. There are a
couple of points to pay attention to however: you must have a MS Windows
box for registration; you must use the same network card in that
box and you Linux machine.
NTL insist on sending an engineer around to "install broadband",
that is, stick one end of a cable in the back of your set-top box and
the other in the back of your MS Windows PC (into the network card) --- its
a standard ethernet cable; they then visit a NTL website to register
the machine.
Once they have left you can boot up into Linux on that same machine, or
move the network card to your Linux box. Assuming a RedHat machine,
as root, start up /usr/sbin/netconfig, choose DHCP,
and restart the networking daemons (/etc/init.d/network reload
should do it) or reboot. You should see a message like
Configuring eth0 [OK]
That's it. You can confirm that all is ok using netstat -r which
should give something like
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