Linux is a free Unix-type operating
system originally created by Linus Torvalds with the assistance of
developers around the world.
- Licensing
Linux is developed under the
GNU General
Public License: the source code for Linux is freely
available to everyone.
It's free software!
- Technically
Linux is an independent
POSIX implementation and
includes true multitasking,
virtual memory, shared libraries, demand loading, proper memory management,
TCP/IP networking, and other features consistent with
Unix-like systems.
- Politics
Linux is often called GNU/Linux since much of the code and utilities
(in particular the C compiler and associated bits and pieces) was written
by people associated with the
GNU Project (which in turn is
associated with the
Free Software Foundation).
- In Practice
Linux is an easy to install and use operating system, which is more stable
than Windows, is truly multi-user and has a choice of user-interfaces
including GNOME and
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