To achieve this we followed the Solaris documentation for configuring the IPlanet server (with adaptation): LDAP Setup and Configuration Guide, particularly Chapters 3 and 4. This said, as far as I can see, it turned out that some of these steps are not necessary for what we want. (Some of the Solaris schema is required; the ou=Profile and cn=Boiler_LDAP_Profile steps are apparently not required.)
dn: ou=Profile,dc=example,dc=com objectclass: top objectclass: organizationalUnit ou: Profileso that the Solaris Profile can then be added (as suggested at the end of Chapter 3 of the "Real" Doc).
ldapadd -x -D "cn=Manager, o=talbycsuumist, c=gb" -w secret \ -f ou_Profile.ldif
dn: cn=Boiler_LDAP_Profile,ou=profile,o=talbycsuumist, c=gb ## ^^^^^^^^^^ not liked (no such object) #dn: cn=Boiler_LDAP_Profile,o=talbycsuumist, c=gb cn: Boiler_LDAP_Profile ObjectClass: top ObjectClass: SolarisNamingProfile SolarisLDAPServers: SolarisSearchBaseDN: o=boilercsuumist, c=gb #SolarisBindDN: cn=Manager, o=boilercsuumist, c=gb #SolarisBindPassword: {NS1}c53708877bc6 #SolarisAuthMethod: NS_LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE #SolarisTransportSecurity: NS_LDAP_SEC_NONE #SolarisSearchReferral: NS_LDAP_FOLLOWREF #SolarisSearchScope: NS_LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL #SolarisSearchTimeLimit: 30 #SolarisCacheTTL: 43200in the same way.
At this point one can load up a user (e.g., put the following in a file called si4.ldif and use ldapadd, or one can make use of a user which has been migrated into the LDAP directory from the RedHat box who does not exist on the Solaris box):
dn: uid=si4,ou=People,o=talbycsuumist,c=gb uid: si4 cn: si4 objectClass: account objectClass: posixAccount objectClass: top objectClass: shadowAccount userPassword: letmein shadowLastChange: 11743 shadowMax: 99999 shadowWarning: 7 loginShell: /bin/bash uidNumber: 504 gidNumber: 504 homeDirectory: /home/si4ok, clear text password, but one thing at a time...
To check from the client machine that all is well, try
ldapsearch -h -p389 -s sub -b "o=talbycsuumist,c=gb" \ "uid=simonh"
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