When trying to find documentation via Google found lots of other people
with problems getting the Solaris LDAP client talking to the OpenLDAP
server and only sketchy doc on how it can be achieved.
In particular, found this problem time and time again...
...various sources on the web suggested that the above was caused
by the Solaris client trying to use optional features from the LDAP
protocol not implemented by OpenLDAP, hence the failure, and suggested
creating the /var/ldap config files manually (see below) and suggested
all would be well...
According to
Documentation (Page 22)
the Sun LDAP Client one needs Version 3 LDAP capabilities, in particular:
Simple Page Mode Control (RFC 2696);
Virtual List Views.
and according to the OpenLDAP FAQ
(What LDAPv3 features/extensions does the OpenLDAP server [not] support?)
NOT: Simple Paged Result Control (RFC 2696);
Can't find anything about Virtual List Views (but found this: There
are numerous extensions which are not specified in RFCs or other
stable documents. As these do not yet have specifications we can
reference, they are not listed here (and likely not implemented in
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