16. Remote Management

Since the machines are dual-boot Windows/Linux we want to be able to ensure they are in Linux remotely: set default boot to Linux (in /etc/grub.conf) and use Windows Resource Kit utility shutdown).


  use strict;

  my @machines = ("", ..., "");
  my @machines = ("130.88.", ..., "130.88.");

  my @windows  = ();
  my @linux    = ();
  my @down     = ();

  foreach my $m (@machines) {
      if (&machine_windows($m)) {  push(@windows, $m);  }
      if (&machine_linux($m))   {  push(@linux, $m);    }
      if (&machine_down($m))    {  push(@down, $m);     }

  foreach (@windows) {  print "\n Wins: $_";   }
  foreach (@linux)   {  print "\n LInux: $_";  }
  foreach (@down)    {  print "\n Down: $_";   }

  print "\n\n";

  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  sub machine_windows() {
      my $machine = shift;
      my $string  = "";
      my @results = `nmap -sT $machine`;
      foreach my $r (@results) {
          if ($r =~ m/(netbios)|(microsoft)|(loc\-srv)|(svrloc)/) {
              $string .= $r;
      if ($string =~ m/\S/) {return 1} else {return 0}

  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  sub machine_linux() {

  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

  sub machine_down() {

  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


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