Secure Shell File Transfer Client Connection to cosmos

  1. Choose "SSH Secure Shell File Transfer Client" from the either the desktop or start menu.

  2. Click on "Profiles", "Add Profile"

  3. Type "cosmosftp" as the profile name.

  4. Click on "Add to Profiles"

  5. Edit the profile you created in the above step

  6. On the "Connection" tab enter as the "Host name".

  7. Highlight "Profiles" before clicking "OK".

  8. To connect to cosmos choose "Profiles", "cosmosftp".

After entering your eUMIST username and password your window should look similar to the following

On the left hand pane you can browse your PC, to any local or connected network drives. On the right hand pane you can do likewise with your home directory structure on cosmos. You may transfer files and/or directories between your PC and your cosmos file store or vice-versa by simply highlighting, then dragging and dropping the required directories/files between the two panes (Tip, before commencing with the file transfer, press the F5 key).